

기획 논문 : 문법 교육의 새로운 지평

‘국어문법’교육 전개에 대한 小考


A Study on Development of the Korean Grammar Education

‘국어문법’교육 전개에 대한 소고


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is about the development of the Korean grammar education. I divided the development of the Korean grammar education into five periods ; ① the beginning period of grammar education (1832 ~1893), ② the formation period of grammar education (1894~1910), ③ the stagnant period of grammar education (1911~1944), ④ the development period of grammar education (1945~1984), ⑤ the unified period of grammar education (1985~present ) Korean language and its grammar during the beginning period were mainly studied by the Christian missionaries. Therefore, it was not deeply studied yet. Afterwards, modern education started by
western people and Koreans who had the Enlightened thought. The formation period of Korean grammar education was started with the Chosun’s open door policy based on the “Eulsa treaty”(Eul Sa Cho Yark). So this period is separated into two ; the first period was controlled by Chosun government and the second one was by the Japanese colonial government.
The stagnant period of grammar educationwas separated into the 1st, the 2nd, and the 3rd~4th period of Chosun education law. The development period of grammar education is divided into the US military ministration period, the 1st authorized grammar textbook period, and the 2nd authorized grammar textbook period. The unified period of grammar education is divided into the 1st unified authorized grammar textbook, the 2nd unified authorized grammar textbook, and the periods of the state-authorized grammar textbooks during the fourth through the seventh education curriculum. This period means literally that the school grammar education was unified. And the content of the grammar textbook was expanded into a more practical way.


I. 들어가는 말
  1. 선행 연구의 검토
  2. '국어문법' 교육의 전개에 관한 서술 범위와 시대 구분
 II. 국어 문법 교육의 전개 양상
  1. 문법교육의 배태기(1832~1893)
  2. 문법교육의 형성기(1894~1910)
  3. 문법교육의 침체기(1911~1944)
  4. 문법교육의 발전기(1945~1965)
  5. 문법교육의 통일기(1966~현재)
 III. 맺음말


  • 이남윤 Lee, Nam-yun. 인일여고


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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