


甲骨文에 보이는 十二地支와 열두 띠


The sexagenary cycle and Chinese zodiac of oracle bone inscriptions

갑골문에 보이는 십이지지와 열두 띠

김태완, 권용채

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This is the earliest letter in China, Oracle Bone Inscriptions, which can prove the origins of Chinese animal zodical signs. In current time, twelve earthly branches and Chinese animal zodical signs are well organized, most well organized records can be found in “Wushipian” and “Yuandupian” in LunHeng published by WangChong in Han dynasty. Whereas, the combination of twelve earthly branches and Chinese animal zodical signs of Han dynasty, which found around 20th century differ from those of WangChong including the contents of records and the site found. Considering these, it seems ackward to argue Chinese animal zodical signs were generated after the Later Han Dynasty. Chinese animal zodical signs were in use before Han dynasty and it was combined with Eumyang Five Element Theory in the Later Han Dynasty. The Oracle Bone Inscriptions includes letter that has characterized different animals. In the shape of each letters, all twelve earthly branches are included along with 10 heavenly roots twelve earthly branches. Here, we can learn that 10 heavenly roots twelve earthly branches were widely used at the time. Twelve earthly branches are also used as the name of neighbored countries, lands, wives. This usage shows the relation with the animals or totem of those. The twelve earthly branches shows not only the twelves animals themselves but also the tribes or symbols of tribes who has adore those. This symbol has developed into the zodiacal calender system and spread out to neighbored countries with twelve earthly branches.


Ⅰ. 序論
 Ⅱ. 天干과 地支의 개념
  1) 天干의 개념
  2) 地支의 요소
 Ⅲ. 十二地支와 열두 띠
  1) 열두 띠의 지역적 차이
  2) 열두 띠의 시간적 추이
 Ⅳ. 갑골문의 열두 동물과 토템
  1) 갑골문의 열두 동물
  2) 열두 동물과 토템
 Ⅲ. 結論


  • 김태완 Kim, Tai-Wan. 전남대학교 중어중문학과 부교수
  • 권용채 Kwen, Yong-Chae. 전남대학교 대학원 중어중문학과 석사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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