

유아다례교육 연구의 동향분석


Research Trends on Child Tea Ceremony Education

박영자, 최배영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to analyze the trend of research system and contents of thesis which was published with a theme of child tea ceremony education. Under this purpose we have searched the thesis related to the child tea ceremony education which was in the data base of the National Assembly Library, the National Library of Korea, Korea Education & Research Information Service and we have collected total of 22 analyzing subject data. The major results of this study are as followings: First, after analyzing the research system, the release year of child tea ceremony education study which was published from year 2000 to 2009 are shown as followings, 1 unit in year 2000, 2 units in year 2001, 2002 & 2003, 4 units in year 2004, 5 units in year 2005, 2 units in year 2006, 1 unit in year 2007, 2 units in year 2008, 1 unit in year 2009. The publishing type were 14 units of master’s degree thesis, 6 units of academic journal, 2 units of doctor’s degree thesis. The academic area of researchers are 8 units of propriety and tea culture, 5 units of early childhood education, 5 units of child welfare, 2 units of family culture and consumer, 1 each unit of counseling psychology and korean culture. As per the research method there were 15 units of experimental study, 6 units of reference research, and 1 unit of thesis which adopts both interview and case study. Second, as a result of analyzing the research contents, the goal of child tea ceremony education was shown to be a holistic child growth and development, a formation of basic living habit, a development of pride on traditional culture and an establishment of national identity. The contents of child tea ceremony education has been classified into 57 items. The activity of child tea ceremony education has been classified into 34 items. The vitalizations of child tea ceremony education is shown to be a education for parents and teachers, a development of systematic educational program, durability of child tea ceremony education, and a verification of effectiveness of child tea ceremony education.


 I. 서론
 II. 유아다례교육 연구 체제 및 내용의 동향
 III. 결론


  • 박영자 Young-Ja Park. 능곡현대어린이집 원장
  • 최배영 Bae-Young Choi. 성신여자대학교 문화산업대학원 문화산업학과 겸임교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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