


일본의 武士와 조선 文士의 정신세계 -무사도와 선비정신의 비교연구-


The Inner Scope of Japanese Warriors and Scholars in the Joseon Era

일본의 무사와 조선 문사의 정신세계 -무사도와 선비정신의 비교연구-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This thesis aims to gain understanding of the discipleship of scholars in the Joseon Era and the code of warriors of Japanese Samurai as the mutation in Confucian inheritability perceptive in the Eastern Asia and conduct a comparative analysis. In this study, the analysis was based on the comparison between scholars in the Joseon era who were the traditional ideal figures in Eastern Asia and Samurais. Thus the study has identified the discipleship of scholars in the Joseon Era and the code of warriors of Japanese Samurai, as Confucian-inherited mutation having the same Confucian DNA. However, similar yet different discipleship and the code of worriers had unavoidably different fates depending on the aspect of the modification. In this respect, the discipleship of scholars in the Joseon Era and the code of warriors of Japanese Samurai were mutant forms of modification on Confucianism respectively. The history of Confucianism has produced a number of different mutant forms and undergone a modification after modification to the present. The discipleship of scholars in the Joseon Era was a regular mutant form through the addition and compromises between other doctrines while the code of warriors of Japanese Samurai was an irregular form, developed by the mixing by the addition and compromises between other doctrines. Regardless, it would be safe to liken them to the half siblings born of the same root that is Confucianism.




Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 조선 선비의 士道
 Ⅲ. 일본 사무라이의 武士道
 Ⅳ. 儒敎와 士道 및 武士道
 Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 신현승 고려대학교 아세아문제연구소 HK연구교수, 동아시아 사상문화


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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