

초고압 초전도 변압기용 고온 초전도 연속전위도체의 절연특성


Insulation tests of Continuously Transposed Coated Conductors for a high voltage superconducting transformer

김영일, 김우석, 박상호, 박찬, 이세연, 천현권, 김상현, 이지광, 최경달

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A cryogenic insulation technique for a high voltage and a large current capacity of a conductor are now two big issues in a field of recent R&D projects of superconducting power devices, especially a superconducting power transformer. For the large rated currents of the power transformer, it is well known that lots of 2nd generation superconducting conductor, so called coated conductor, should be stacked together with transpositions in order to get an even distributions of the currents. We had come up with an idea of a CTCC (Continuously Transposed Coated Conductor) as a conductor for a large power superconducting transformer, and keep trying to verify the usefulness of the conductor. As one of the efforts of verifying, we prepared and tested a sample CTCC with insulations for high voltage, which includes the epoxy coating and Nomex® wrapping. This paper contains the insulation process and dielectric breakdown test results. We expect the results obtained from this experiment to improve an insulation technique for high voltages in various cryogenic environments[1,2].


 1. 서론
 2. 본론
  2.1. 연속전위도체 제작
  2.2. 에폭시 코팅
  2.3. Nomex(R) 절연 종이 절연
  2.4. 절연 파괴 시험
 3. 결론


  • 김영일 Y. Kim. 학생회원, 한국산업기술대학교 지식기반기술에너지대학원
  • 김우석 W. S Kim. 정회원, 서울대학교 재료공학부
  • 박상호 S. H. Park. 학생회원, 한국산업기술대학교 지식기반기술에너지대학원
  • 박찬 C. Park. 정회원, 서울대학교 재료공학부
  • 이세연 S. Lee. 학생회원, 한국산업기술대학교 지식기반기술에너지대학원
  • 천현권 H. G. Cheon. 정회원, 경상대학교 전기공학과
  • 김상현 S. H. Kim. 정회원, 경상대학교 전기공학과
  • 이지광 J. K. Lee. 정회원, 우석대학교 소방안전학과
  • 최경달 K. Choi. 학생회원, 한국산업기술대학교 지식기반기술에너지대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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