

중국-프랑스-월남 관계 연구(1870-1887)


A Study in Sino-French-Vietnamese Relations (1870-1887) - Establishment of Indochina


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The relations between the Sino-French-Vietnamese have endured a long history. The Sino-Vietnamese relations originated about 2000 years before French-Vietnamese relations began to take place. This means that Vietnamese culture was deeply influenced by the Chinese culture. Sino-French-Vietnamese relations possessed three distinct characteristics between the years of 1870 and 1887. First was the transition of the Vassal State when China controlled Vietnam, to the Protectorate State when France gained dominance over Vietnam. Second characteristic was that France gained more powerful weapons than the Chinese. With the third characteristic, France established a stronghold over Indochina. From 1870 to 1887, Sino-Vietnamese relations changing to French-Vietnamese relations, was crucial period, meaning western culture was immigrating to Southeast Asia. The two cultures needed more time before they were able to come to common ground. With the France establishing Indochina, this places Sino-French-Vietnamese relations in the direction of a new milestone for the future. While under France’s protectorate system, Vietnam unceasingly accelerated their footsteps towards Westernization. In the last days of the nineteenth century a new Southeast Asia began to develop. France had completely established a full Sphere of influence over Vietnam.


Chapter I. The Historical Source of Sino-Vietnameseand French-Vietnamese Relations
  I. Sino-Vietnamese Relations
  Ⅱ. French-Vietnamese Relations
  Ⅲ. Vietnam's Letters and Vietnamese Education
 Chapter Ⅱ. Treaty of Saigon and Treaty of Huế
  Ⅰ. Treaty of Saigon
  Ⅱ. Treaty of Huế
  Ⅲ. The Revolt of Huế
 Chapter Ⅲ. The Sino-French War
  Ⅰ. The Invasion of Vietnam by the French Army (1850-1884)
  Ⅱ. The Sino-French War
  Ⅲ. Treaty of Tianjin and France seizes Cambodia
 Chapter Ⅳ. The Establishment of France’s Indochina
  Ⅰ. New Imperialism in Asia
  Ⅱ. The Industrial Revolution and Economical Expansion
  Ⅲ. The Indochina
  Ⅳ. France in Indochina Education
 Chapter V. A New Era of Significance and Value inSino-French-Vietnamese Relations
  Ⅰ. The New Significance in Sino-French-Vietnamese Relations
  Ⅱ. The New Annotation and the New Value inSino-French-Vietnamese Relations
 Works Cited


  • 임려용 Marianne LIN. Assistant Professor, Center for General Education, Aletheia University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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