

【特輯】강화도 참성단 의례의 비교 연구

개천절과 강화도 참성단


The National Foundation Day of Korea and Chamsungdan Altar in Kanghwa Island


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is a study on history of the National Foundation Day or Tangun's Day and its relation to Great festival in memory of National Foundation held in Kanghwa island. At first, I consider the history of the National Foundation Day or Day of Tangun, who is the founder of Korean nation. The National Foundation Day of Korea is a national holiday in commemoration of Tangun's birthday and Tangun's accession to Ancient Chosun king. The National Foundation Day of Korea hold in October third annually. This day began to commemorate in 1909 by the Taejonggyo, a sect of Korean new religion. Taejonggyo believe Tangun as god. So it is quiet in the nature to thing that the National Foundation day was began by Taejonggyo. Though the National Foundation Day was enacted by Taejonggyo, this day was commemorate by nation-wide from the beginning. This is made from situation of the time. At that time, Japanese imperialism push ahead the policy to colonize of Korea, so Korean protested for their independence. For independence movement, Korean needed union of all nations, and for union of all nations they needed a symbol possible to unite all nations. So they emphasized all Korean is offsprings of Tangungun, so it is fair and proper to protest Japanese invasion as Korean nation. In such a atmosphere, Taejonggyo was started and the National Foundation Day was commemorated nation-widely. In spite of Korean's independence movement, Japanese imperialism occupied Korea in 1910. But anniversary of the National Foundation Day was continued under the rule of Japanese imperialism regardless of home and aboard where Korean lived, and regardless of right and left wing. Korea independence from Japanese rule in 1945. After that, Korean commemorate the National Foundation Day freely. In 1945, anniversary of the National Foundation Day was held at Seoul Stadium. At that time, event was superintended by private organizations such as Taejonggyo sect, because Korean government was not established yet. In 1946, the anniversary of the National Foundation Day held at Seoul Stadium too. But there was added a new event which carried sacred torch from Seoul Stadium to Chamsungdan, located in Kanghwa islander.And there were also held commemorate event of the National Foundation Day. Chamsungdan is a altar where Tangun performed ritual to sky god according to legend. It is natural that Chamsungdan linked to the National Foundation Day. But this is the first time Chamsungdan have relation to National Foundation Day, as I know. In 1947, a part of anniversary content was changed. In this time sacred torch was fired from Chamsungdan and transferred to Seoul Stadium. In 1948, beside to event of Seoul Stadium, anniversary of the National Foundation Day held in Chamsungdan also with attendance of many leading persons in government and Congress. The 1949 is very important year in history of anniversary of the National Foundation Day and it's relation to Chamsungdan. The 1949 is the year Korean government established. In this year, the National Foundation Day is not only designated a one of national holidays, but also day of anniversary is changed from October third of lunar calendar to October third of solar calendar. As well as anniversary of the National Foundation Day was managed by government from this time, the first time anniversary of the National Foundation Day managed by government was held in Chamsungdan. In spite of Korean War, break out in 1950, anniversary of the National Foundation Day was did not interrupted by Korean government and continued to present. But this anniversary was held in capital and Chamsungdan loss the position of place where national anniversary held. But anniversary of the National Foundation Day was held in Chamsungdan managed by Kanghwa county named Great festival in memory of National Foundation(Kaechun Daejae) till now. And Chamsungdan regarded as symbol of Korean's national spirit without change.


이 글은 개천절의 역사와 강화도 참성단과의 관련성을 살펴본 것이다. 지금까지 살펴본 바에 의하면, 개천절은 단군을 중심으로 한 민족운동의 일환으로 1909년에 제정되어 민족의 수난기인 일제시대에도 국내외, 좌우익을 막론하고 한국인이 있는 곳에서는 끊이지 않고 기념되어왔다. 그러나 일제시대에는 참성단과 개천절의 관련성을 찾아볼 수 없었다. 참성단이 개천절과 관련을 맺기 시작한 것은 해방 이후부터이며, 1946년에 처음 관련 사실이 확인된다. 그것은 참성단이 단군의 유적이기 때문에, 단군을 기념하는 행사의 장소로서는 참성단이 가장 적합하다는 인식 때문이었을 것으로 짐작된다. 1946년에는 서울에서 채화한 성화를 참성단으로 가져와 참성단에서 기념식을 거행했다. 또 1947년 개천절 행사는 ‘개천절경축위원회’가 조직되어 행사를 주관했고 이번에는 참성단에서 성화를 채화했다. 그리고 1948년에는 국회의장을 비롯한 다수 인사들이 참여하여 참성단 개천절의 위상을 더욱 높였다. 그러나 이때까지만 해도 개천절 행사의 중심은 서울운동장에서 거행하는 기념식이었고, 참성단 행사는 대표성을 가지지 못했다. 1949년은 대한민국 정부가 출범한지 첫 번째로 맞이하는 개천절이었다. 이때 정부에서는 개천절을 4대 국경일의 하나로 지정하는 한편, 개천절 날짜를 음력 10월 3일에서 양력 10월 3일로 바꾸었다. 그런데 바로 이해 정부 차원의 개천절 행사가 참성단에서 거행되었고, 서울에서의 개천절 기념식은 중지되었다. 이처럼 정부 차원의 공식적인 개천절 행사의 장소가 참성단이 되었지만, 바로 이듬해 6.25전쟁이 발발하면서 참성단이 국가 차원의 개천절 기념식장으로서의 지위를 상실한다. 그 결과 참성단에서의 개천절 행사는 강화군 차원의 것이 되었지만, 현재까지 개천대제라는 이름으로 그 전통을 유지하고 있다.


 I. 머리말
 II. 한말~일제시대의 개천절
 III. 해방 이후의 개천절과 참성단
 IV. 맺음말


  • 서영대 Suh. Young-Dae. 인하대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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