

제1부 연구논문

漢詩에서의 用事 활용 양상 연구- 성공적인 用事의 요건에 대하여


A Study on Usages of Yongsa in Classical Chinese Poetry

한시에서의 용사 활용 양상 연구- 성공적인 용사의 요건에 대하여


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



"Yongsa[用事]" means a method of composition that quotes or modifies former text's event, knowledge, assertion, the method of formation, and makes them as part of the text. Some critics insisted that yongsa is not good method for composing poetry because it looks like not deferring from plagiarism. But yongsa is one of the effective rhetorics in composing poetry. For making use of good yongsa, poets must have considered some requisites below: Firstly, poets must have chosen authentic precedent that has appropriate elements of the situation and condition of composing, e.g. characters, events, backgrounds, materials and so on. The more similarities exist between original text and poets' own creations, the more literary values can be made. Secundo, poets must have recombined the poetic words of source in a new way. But the recombination must not cause a distortion of the original meaning of source. Choosing appropriate authentic precedent is more important than making new coinage. Thirdly, poets must have considered the amount of yongsa. They can have showed off their extensive knowledges by using a lot of yongsa, but also must have been careful not to break off the logical connections of poetic ideas because improper yongsa sometimes can make the text very puzzling.


1. 서론
 2. 창작 상황을 고려한 典故의 선택
 3. 意境을 고려한 造語의 적절성
 4. 該博의 과시와 難澁의 병폐
 5. 결론


  • 구본현 Gu, Bon-Hyeon. 동덕여자대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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