

제2부 연구논문

연성흠(延星欽)의 ‘동화구연방법의 이론과 실제’


Yeon Seong Heum's Theory and practice of orally narrated children's story


국문학회 국문학연구 제21호 2010.05 pp.191-220
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The paper on the Jungoeilbo 1929 년 15 July to 6 November, "The theory and practice of orally narrated children's story" in the title series (1 -18 days) to introduce a with a soft Yeon Seong Heum's theory and practice of orally narrated children's story. Yeon Seong Heum's theory and practice of orally narrated children's story is applied to the theory and practice are well assimilated by choosing some for the children to practice how to do oral on whether details of the case has to be informed through. Children's story to children educational, psychological impact, and cruel or sad or scary stories or good stories to show when orally narrated children's story. Yeon Seong Heum's theory and practice of orally narrated children's story the most important thing in a discussion of ductility above Yeon Seong Heum is an individual has a theory of a Children's story. Bang Jeong Hwan the world began in 1922 Gaebyeok whether it is the individual spreading through the assimilation theory would work if a limited category of soft Well the whole story through the assimilation theory has been presented. Based on this theory and the real story oral screening should be done in the field emphasize assimilation. Yeon Seong Heum's a funny soft stories, stories with tears, I'm talking about effective verbal brutality in the field are advised not to talk in detail. The East and West, regardless of commonality with stepmother story was mentioned. Yeon Seong Heum's theory and practice of orally narrated children's story how flexible the theory and practice of storytelling in the fairy tale with him to the scene by combining theoretical and practical oral in the field of self-information viewers need to present concrete contribution to the storytelling part of the practical use highly was. However, the soft Hmm stance on the theory and practice of storytelling at the time, considering the circumstances, the Western theory of storytelling in Japan under the influence of storytelling can be free, but as for this part is left to the challenges of the future.


1. 문제 제기
 2. 1920 년대 동화구연의 풍경
 3. 연성홈(延星款)의 동화구연방법
  3.1. 서양동화와 조선동화
  3.2. 열린 공간에서 닫힌 공간으로
  3.3. 동화구연가의 임무
  3.4. 레퍼토리에서 제외된 잔혹한 이야기
 4. 연성흠 동화구연방법의 의의


  • 김경희 Kim, Kyung-hee. 서울대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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