

제2부 연구논문

‘祭祀說話’에 대한 신세대의 해석과 구비전승의 向方


A Study on the future of oral transmission of the 'folktales related to ancestor memorial rites'

‘제사설화’에 대한 신세대의 해석과 구비전승의 향방


국문학회 국문학연구 제21호 2010.05 pp.157-189
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In Confucian society, filial piety is largely classified into two categories; one is supporting one's parents during their lifetime, and the other is performing funeral service and ancestor memorial rites after their death. This paper researched what would be the future of oral transmission depending on the change of bearers' viewpoints and philosophy, especially about the 'folktales related to ancestor memorial rites'. This study had been proceeded as follows. I had some students, being at college or graduate school, appreciate the 'folktales related to ancestor memorial rites' and make descriptions of their impressions. And then, I compared their various impressions and interpretations found in the descriptions with the storytellers' messages in the folktale versions they narrated orally. As the result, I found there is a great difference between two. The students, that is, the new generation do not agree with the sense of values Confucian ideology, that the story tellers emphasize in their folktale versions. For example, the students all pointed out serious problems and absurdity of the facts issued from male-oriented lineage succession and the notion of preferring a son to a daughter. Briefly speaking, the future of oral transmission of the 'folktales related to ancestor memorial rites' is not good. Because it seems that the most bearers, who should hand over Korean folktales in the future, would not willingly transmit 'the folktales related to ancestor memorial rites'.


 1 . 문제제기
 2. ‘祭祀說話’에 대한 신세대의 해석
  2.1 奉祭祀의 당위성에 대한 회의와 蓄妾에 대한 비판
  2.2. '생전의 약속을 깨고 제사를 원하는 어머니 혼령'에 대한 거부감
  2.3. 祭需 장만에 대한 부담 그리고 보상의 환상성에 대한 의혹
 3. 청자의 성별에 따른 해석의 차이
  3.1. 유교문화의 남녀차별 의식에 대한 비판
  3.2. 남녀 인물을 향한 감정이입의 편차
  3.3. 가족의 위계질서에 대한 저항과 옹호
 4. 전승의식의 변화와 구비전승의 향방


  • 이인경 Lee, In-gyung. 인제대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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