

제2부 연구논문

金昌協의 산문 批評을 통해 본 글쓰기 방법론 - ‘주제 잡기’와 ‘단락 구성’의 문제


The Study of writing method perceived through Kim, Chang-hyup(金昌協)'s prose criticism

김창협의 산문 비평을 통해 본 글쓰기 방법론 - ‘주제 잡기’와 ‘단락 구성’의 문제


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This essay is to review Kim, Chang-hyup(金昌協)'s prose criticism, and through that, to devise some specific writing guidelines which is useful to today's composition curriculum. Kim, Chang-hyup(金昌協), as a distinguished scholar and a good writer in 17th Joseon Dynasty, criticized an imitative writing custom called Yongsa(用事), and advanced an alternative methods considering prose writing characteristics. The Yongsa(用事) is a method of conventional composition that quotes or modifies former text in expressions level, for using it, the common writers in the Joseon Dynasty must memorize a great many phrase and sentence in various classics. Kim, Chang-hyup(金昌協) thought that the writing based on Yongsa(用事) made a lot of mistake when quote former classical text, and had been attended by evil effects of imitation. So he roundly criticized the imitative writing custom and raised a writing methods which is suitable for the prose itself. He suggested that the prose writer had to learn the method on ‘fixing a central themes’ and ‘arranging paragraphs’, not imitating the expression of it from a great work, especially the Sagi(史記) which had been become a canon in the history of prose writing. By analyzing his literary criticism about several classical prose work writtin by Kim, Chang-hyup(金昌協), I set before each five detailed guidelines on ‘fixing a subject’ and ‘composing paragraphs’ at this essay, and had in place an available guidelines nowaday which is applying the classic literary criticism at the same time.


1. 서론
 2. 김창협이 제기한 法의 문제와 글쓰기 방법의 전환
 3. 金昌協의 批評을 통해 본 ‘주제 잡기’의 지침
 4. 金昌協의 批評을 통해 본 ‘단락 구성’의 방법
 5. 결론


  • 박경남 Park, Kyeong-nam. 성균관대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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