

일제 말기 사회사업의 텍스트화 양상과 그 의미


The aspects and meanings of textualization in the novels in the late period of Japanese rule over Korea.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This thesis is to examine the aspects and meanings of textualization of the social works represented in three full-length novels in the late period of Japanese rule over Korea. Nam-cheon Kim, in his Sarang eui Soojokkwan(Aquarium of Love), focusing on the process of establishment of a nursery school, makes a nerveless intellectual start a charitable work, thereby constructs a subject of 'contemporary young man'. Tae-joon Lee, in his Cheongchoonmooseong(靑春茂盛, Overgrowth of Youth), narrating the self reform of a delinquent schoolgirl and the establishment of Jaerakwon(再樂園, Reconstructed Paradise), manifests that Choseon society needs a true charity worker and reformation institute. Jeong-Hui Choi, in her Cheonmack(Vein of Heaven), narrating the establishment of Hyangrinwon(香隣園, Institute of Fragrant Neighbors) which became a symbol in the public service sphere, implies that a lot of social works in the late period of Japanese rule were closely related to the policy of Japanese Government General of Korea. Besides, All of these three works are marked by "the publicity in the colonial society" and narration of love.


1. 머리말
 2. 탁아소 건립의 서사와 ‘현대 청년’이라는 주체 정립 - 『사랑의 수족관』
 3. 재락원 건설의 서사와 불량 여학생의 자기 교화 - 『청춘무성』
 4. 향린원의 서사화와 사랑의 의미 - 『천맥』
 5. 결론


  • 박진숙 Park, Jin-Sook. 충북대학교 국어국문학과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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