


정압 기체베어링 설계 및 제작


Design and Fabrication of the Thrust Air Pad

박국남, 노병후, 우상익, 오수열

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In neutron beam research, it is necessary for the shielding block and experimental equipment a dance floor in a nuclear reactor to travel in a fixed direction with little friction. However, precise travel is difficult to achieve due to factors such as vibration or gear backlash. We have imported air bearings from more developed nations to perform the role of moving instruments. In the beginning, an air bearing for use in three-dimensional measuring instruments similar to an air bearing was used; however, the performance was found to be insufficient. Accordingly, we collected data and conducted reverse engineering on this type of thrust pad. Through this process, it was confirmed that two issues were influencing the performance: the slant of the bottom of the air bearing and the bottom outside edge of the air bearing plate. The air bearing begins to move at 5 bar and moves smoothly without interruption at 7 bar. The result of this process was the development of a thrust pad which is superior in performance to the imported product and is being used in neutron beam research. We anticipate that this air bearing which has been developed will be used for experimental equipment which requires this type of precision in the future.


 1. 서론
 2. 기체베어링
  2.1 정압기체베어링 개요
  2.2 기체베어링의 장단점
 3. 정압 기체베어링 설계
  3.1 정압 기체베어링 설계
 4. 정압 기체베어링 제작 및 성능시험
  4.1 정압기체베어링 제작
  4.2 정압기체베어링 성능시험
 5. 결론


  • 박국남 Kook Nam Park. 한국원자력연구원, 연구로이용ㆍ개발본부
  • 노병후 Byung Hoo Rho. 알피엠 테크, 기술연구소
  • 우상익 Sang Ik Wu. 한국원자력연구원, 연구로이용ㆍ개발본부
  • 오수열 Soo Youl Oh. 한국원자력연구원, 연구로이용ㆍ개발본부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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