

특집 : 동아시아의 인구이동과 문화체험

日本人満洲移民の生きられた世界 -その記憶と経験-


일본인의 만주이민과 생활체험


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper discusses the lives and experiences that Japanese immigrants to Manchuria underwent during the 20th century. From 1932 to 1945, some 270,000 Japanese immigrants were sent to Manchuria for the purpose of supporting the Japanese army stationed. Out of them, 80,000 died during six months after August 9th 1945, 170,000 repatriated to Japan from May 1946 to
1949, and about 10,000 remained in China even after 1958. Accordingly, their lives were complicated and multi-facet, as settlers in ‘Manchukuo’, as refugees during the war, as repatriates, and as Japanese people who were left-behind in China. Since their experiences have been suppressed in societies both in Japan and China in the post-war period, they have never alluded to these experiences to outside. Manchukuo being formally a ‘puppet regime’ for China and Japan, those Japanese people who were left behind in China had carefully interacted with Chinese, and repatriates in Japan, with Japanese. The main reason for this is that their lives and experiences in ‘Manchukuo’ have been denied as a part of ‘dark’ history of a ‘puppet regime’. So, their memory was struggling with dominant histories narrated in Japan and China. That is the ‘politics of memory’.


 1. はじめに
 2. 20世紀前半期の日本人の国際移動と満洲移民
  1) 20世紀前半期の日本人の国際移民史
  2) 20世紀前半期の日本人の植民史
  3) 北米南米移民と勢力圏への植民の連関性
 3. 満洲への日本人の移住
  1) 農村経済更生運動と満洲農業移民事業の展開
  2) 満洲農業移民事業の概要
  3) 満洲農業移民事業に付与されたその性格
  4) 様々に投影される満洲移民
  5) モデルとしての分村移民・分郷移民
 4. 満洲での開拓生活
  1) 開拓地での生活
  2) 開拓生活の困難
  3) 近代家族の誕生、植民地での近代化
  4) 階級関係と民族関係と
  5) 開拓生活の成否の分かれ目
  6) 植民地都市生活者との比較
 5. 敗戦体験とその後のライフコース-引揚げと「中国残留」と
  1) 1945年8月9日以降の日々
  2) 敗戦から引揚げまでの難民期
  3) 集団引揚げか、中国残留か
 6. 想起される「満洲」、想起される「日本」
  1) 集団引揚者の戦後経験
  2) 中国残留者の戦後経験
 7. 記憶の語りを聞き取ることの意味
  1) 経験を知ること
  2) 記憶の語られ方
 8. 結びにかえて
  1) 戦後日本社会の「語りの磁場」
  2) 「否定された満洲」に係わった体験の解釈
  3) ふたつの「記憶の裂け目」
  4) おわりに


  • 蘭信三 란신삼. 日本 上智大学 敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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