

Investigating Directives in Korean: Advice and Suggestion


Jee-Won Hahn

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Investigating Directives in Korean: Advice and Suggestion Jee-Won Hahn (Kyung-Hee University) Even though it is based on a small number of responses, this study provides some interesting findings and implications for two directive speech acts. Advice and suggestion are examined from three aspects: conceptual, situational, and linguistic. These speech acts are shown to present similarities and differences as well. From a conceptual aspect, a set of semantic features are identified to distinguish advice and suggestion. The situational dimension offers the insight into the speech act theory (Searle and Venderveken 1985) to understand the condition for determining directive speech acts. Finally, linguistic realizations present various strategies employed for performing an act. Compared to advice, due to weakening illocutionary force, suggestion tends to be simplified in types of linguistic strategies. In addition, this study argues that a sentence-based approach needs to be complemented by a variety of pragmatic devices when it comes to the English-learning environment.


1. Introduction
 2. Literature Review
  2.1. Speech Act and Politeness Theory
  2.2. Cross-cultural Studies
  2.3. Directness Strategies
 3. Method
 4. Findings
  4.1. Conceptual Aspects of Advice and Suggestion
  4.2. Linguistic Realization of Advice and Suggestion
 5. Discussion
 6. Summary and Conclusion
 Works Cited
 Appendix A: Questionnaire (Translation Version)
 Appendix B: Abbreviations


  • Jee-Won Hahn Kyung-Hee University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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