

규율권력에 의한 주체의 분열과 교육의 문제 : 헤르만 헤세의『수레바퀴 아래서』를 중심으로


Split of Subjects by Disciplinary Power and Problems of Education: From the Perspective of Hermann Hesse's Unterm Rad


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Split of Subjects by Disciplinary Power and Problems of Education: From the Perspective of Hermann Hesse's Unterm Rad Hyo Chan Choi (Yonsei University) Revealing the strategy of disciplinary power, Hermann Hesse’s Unterm Rad, arouses circumstances of armed education to train an ideal man to serve the state and a destroyed humanity. Furthermore, he implies criticism of disciplinary power reproduced by the school. This is showed at the end where Hans Giebenrath (the main character) returned home because of nervousness caused by not adapting to the theological seminary and was found drowned. It is the disciplinary power producing modern subjects that brings on the split of subjects and ends up the collapse. This shows the shift to new modern subjects refusing to rituals. Hans Giebenrath refused to the destiny committed to ‘place’ of the birth and ‘mimesis’. He resisted the ritual discipline where people traditionally relied on and worshiped the supernatural being. It drives to the split of subjects. Walter Benjamin defined Newborn modern subjects as the shift from ‘ritual’ to ‘demonstrative’. It is a refusal to the traditional subjects performing rituals. In addition, Unterm Rad is a warning to dehumanized circumstances by school disciplinary power and a reflection on the disease of today's education beyond the time and place of transition.


1. 글을 시작하며
 2. 규율권력과 교육의 문제
 3. 헤세의『수레바퀴 아래서』를 통해 본 규율권력에 의한 주체의 분열
 4. 글을 맺으며


  • 최효찬 Hyo Chan Choi. 연세대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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