

Advanced Treatment of Food Waste Leachate Using the Aeration Reactor with High Efficiency Pure Oxygen


Sang-Houck Lee, Jae-Chun Ko

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Using aeration reactor of high efficiency pure oxygen to remove the high concentration wastewater generated by the solution separated from food waste, the results got from a pilot test are summarized as follows. 1. The process composition to remove the high concentrated organic matter and the nitrogen of wastewater is the facilities to control the primary high liquid separation and the second biological control process is composed of the anoxic tank and the high pure oxygen aeration reactor and the separation membrane tank, and the advanced control is composed of the ozone and activated carbon treatment facility. 2. As the average concentration of 200,000 mg/L is separated into high liquid to mix with excess sludge, the water
separated from high liquid is able to get the average of 32,000 mg/L, and when the load of about 20 kgCODCr/m3·d removes by the reactor of the pure oxygen aeration with high efficiency, it has been removed over the 98.7% to an outflow with average 422 mg/L. 3. As the BOD flows into the raw wastewater with 90,000 mg/L, an average concentration shows 32,000 mg/L after a primary high liquid separation and is able to get the effluent water under below 10 mg/L to remove
99.9% by the aeration reactor of high efficiency pure oxygen. 4. T-N represents average 1,520 mg/L when the raw wastewater with about 3,500 mg/L is separated from high liquid, and it is removed to the efficiency of 94.1% or more when it is controlled to inflow in the aeration reactor of high efficiency pure oxygen. 5. The T-P concentration of the separated liquid is average 723 mg/L and approximately 75% are removed by high liquid separation after a primary dewatering.


 I. Introduction
 II. Experimental Materials and Method
 III. Results and discussion
  1. The removal efficiency of CODCr
  2. The removal efficiency of T-N
  3. The removal efficiency of T-P
  4. The removal efficiencies of other contaminants
  5. The removal efficiency by ozone treatment
 IV. Conclusion


  • Sang-Houck Lee Department of Health Environment, Hoseo Graduate School of Venture
  • Jae-Chun Ko Department of Health Environment, Hoseo Graduate School of Venture


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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