Improvement of the Urban Environment through Deteoriated Commercial Building Remodeling
The aim of this study is to review the improvement of the urban environment through remodeling of deteoriated commercial buildings. For the study, the remodeling plannings of commercial projects which have being implemented are analyzed. In the first section, as a theoretical study, the research method and the backgrounds of this study are studied. The improvement direction and lessons for the future development for the commercial building's remodeling under consideration of the current situations are suggested in the last secton.
1. 서론
2. 관련이론 및 선행연구 검토
2.1 리모델링과 도시환경개선
2.2 선행연구검토
3. 노후 상업건축물의 의의
3.1 노후 상업건축물의 리모델링 의의
3.2 노후 상업건축물 리모델링 경향
4. 리모델링을 통한 도시환경 개선방향
4.1 설문조사분
4.2 노후 상업건축물 리모델링의 방향
4.3 리모델링을 통한 도시환경 개선방향 분석
5. 결론