


『金藏要集經』의 性格과 硏究現況


On the Contents and Characteristics of the Jinzang yaojijing

『금장요집경』의 성격과 연구현황


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Jinzang yaojijing (JInzang lun) is an anthology of the tales of derived from several Buddhist Sutras. The subjects of the tales are the conversion into Buddhism, the examples of punitive justice, and paying respect to Buddha and his statues and stupas.
The editor of this book, Daoji was an famous scholar majoring in Satyasiddhi-sastra during Bei Qi period, but after an incident which brought him a great disappointment at the atmosphere around the Buddhists who were vainly indulged in studying the Buddhist theories without practicing it in their daily lives he retired from the capital and edited this book. On finishing this book he began to making a round of villages outside the capital and read the tales of the book to the common people. By this he preached the Buddhist teachings to the common people
and guided them to live Buddhist’s lives by keeping the Buddhist moral and ethics. There is also an emphasis on the filial piety and it might be one of the earliest example of the integration of Chinese important moral into Buddhist teachings.
There remain several versions of this book in Korea, Japan and China. But all of them are incomplete. According to the old bibliographies the Jinzang yaojijing was in 7 volumes. The remains are only 4 volumes, volume 1, 2, 5 and 6. Korean version, 13th century woodblock print kept at Beom’eo-sa temple, contain volume 1 and 2. Japanese versions, 3 handcopy manuscripts kept at Kofukuji temple and University libraries, contain volume 1 and 6. Chinese versions, several fractions from 4 handcopy manuscripts found at Dunhuang cave, contain volume 5 and 6. Among the remained versions the Beom’eo-sa has special importance. At the beginning of it the table of chapters is preserved. This table present the name of every chapter. Ant by this table we can also figure out the total composition of Jinzang yaojijing.


1. 중국 南北朝時代 末期의 대중교화서『金藏要集經』
 2. 『金藏要集經』의 편찬자와 편찬 배경
 3. 『金藏要集經』의 傳存狀況
 4. 『金藏要集經』의 구성
 5. 『金藏要集經』의 佛敎史的 위치
 6. 梵魚寺本 『金藏要集經』에 수록된 일화들의 내용


  • 최연식 CHOE, Yeonshik. 목포대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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