Therapeutic duplication (TD) is a serious problem that frequently occurring primarily in the ambulatory setting in Korea. Implementation of concurrent drug utilization review (DUR) is a promising way to reduce inappropriate prescription and dispensing, and improve patient safety. This study was aimed to develop the process of DUR module of TD. Sixty-five drug ingredients classified into the drug category of the antipyretic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory drug pproved in Korea (The KFDA-dess nated classification codes of 114 or 264) were reviewed for this purpose. The drug ingredients (and products) were reclassified based on WHO's Anatomical, Therapeutic and Chemical (ATC) classification system. The clinical practice guidelines, textbooks and product labels on therapeutic uses of these drugs in Korea and several fores n countries were reviewed. If the drugs were categorized into the same therapeutically duplicable class, they were defined not to be used concurrently because the concurrent use was “therapeutically duplicated (unnecessary or even harmful)”. Among the studied drug products, the following 5 drug classes were considto beas “therapeutic duplication”: (1), on-t tooid DURnti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, including s Dicylates), (2),Anilidts, (3),Opioids, (4) Ergot Dk Doids and (5) 5-HT1 receptor agonot s. Therefore, concurrent prescribing or dispensing of more than 2 drug ingredients any in the above same classes should be considered as TD and needed to be warrant for careful review by pharmacists before dispensing.
대상성분 선정
치료군중복의 정의
치료군중복 기준 설정 근거
치료중복 기준 개발 과정
대상성분 목록
ATC 분류체계에 따른 치료계열 분류
임상치료지침에 따른 병용 가능 약물
치료군중복 기준안
고찰 및 결론