A Research on the Relation between the Phonetic Markedness and Universals of Consonants: focusing on obstruents.
This paper discusses the universals of the consonants based on the phonetic featural markedness. Unlike the case of vowels, there is little publication on the universals of consonants. For this reason, this paper, based on the claim that consonant inventories tend to evolve so as to achieve maximal perceptual distinctiveness at minimum articulatory cost (Lindblom & Maddieson 1988), analyzes the articulatory markedness of obstruents in two categories, namely, manner and place of articulation. This is the first step for establishing the reality of the consonant system as a universal in natural languages. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
1. 들어가는 말
2. 음운 체계와 유표성의 상관관계
3. 음성적 유표성 분석
3.1 조음방법의 유표성 분석
3.2 조음위치 분석
4. 맺음말