

스포츠안전관계법의 실태 및 발전방안


School Phthe Analysis of Problems and the Suggestion of the Regulation about Sports Facilities

김두현, 이병옥

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research analyzes the current situation that the public interest in leisure, sports, and health care increase, and the participation of the sports is also growing as the standard of living improves. The policies related to sports have focused on elite sports athletes. Now, the policies are changed to target for the public. These policies are required to reflect the new type of problems as well as the increasing demand of the sports. The regulations and systems of sports have to develop to meet the demand of the country which succeeded the Olympics and World Cup. The safety regulations and the preventative measures have to be established, considering the increasing demand of a wide range of sports.
The main purpose of this research is to establish the relevant safety regulations, to secure the safety of sports participants, and to manage sports events successfully.
The safety management regulations on the sports facilities, the construction of sports facilities in conformity with the safety regulations, and management or supervision of facilities should be thoroughly implemented. The legal rights of sports athletes have to be protected from the accident due to carelessness at the training or games. The safety measures to prevent accidents should be taken in advance through managing the safety of the audience. The safety is a top priority, especially at the international sports events at which VIPs attend. As in many cases, VIPs have become a prime target of terrorists. From the threat, safety measures must be taken thoroughly. The responsibilities of each relevant department have to be clear from the planning stage. The updating security system, the operation of the security briefing system, and the compensation for the accidents are essential for the protection of legal rights.
The regulations for the accident prevention must be established. The hosts of sportsevents need to make use of the private security service to make sports events secure. The regulations reflecting the current situation have to be enacted and supplemented to realize ‘Sports Constitutionalism.’ Also, the further research of sports regulations is needed.


I. 서론
 II. 스포츠안전관계법의 실태분석
  1. 스포츠안전관계법의 실태
  2. 스포츠안전관계법의 문제점
 III. 결과 및 논의
  1. 스포츠시설의 안전규정 보완
  2. 스포츠법 및 안전교육의 강화
  3. 행사장에서의 관계기관간 안전대책 협조체계구축
  4. 국제스포츠대회지원법상 안전규정 보완과 최첨단 무기체계 재정비
 VI. 결론


  • 김두현 Kim, Doo-Hyun. 한국체육대학교
  • 이병옥 Lee, Byung-Ok. 부천대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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