

새 정부의 엘리트스포츠 선수양성과 정책방향


A Study on Elite Player Cultivation by the New Government and the Directions for Relevant National Policy

김대광, 유희형, 송길섭

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The new government should approve of a physical education policy as one of symbolic and cultural national policies that have a crucial impact on national competitiveness. The national government should especially direct its efforts into the development of elite sports and international physical education. In the 21st century, sports are increasingly stressed as a way to have a competitive edge in the age marked by fierce worldwide competition, and the promotion of elite sports and international physical education is viewed as one of major political agendas in many countries.
Although the government, educational institutions and schools try to furture elite sports, players are still merely regarded as students who practice sports. The government has sought various countermeasures to remedy the situation, but schools don't have a lot of option in that aspect.
In recent days, there are innovative attempts to fortify competitiveness and develop human resources in every sector, but the physical education sector doesn't keep up with the trend, though the surrounding environments are rapidly changing.
The new government should start from scratch and try to nurture elite players to step up the growth of the physical education sector. In other words, elite players should be educated to grow into professional human resources on a long-term basis.
The existing reform plan for the P.E. instructor training system should be well modified. The foundations for the cultivation of P.E. talent should pull its weight, and a backup system should be set up to offer quality aid to every party concerned. Given the fact that the new government focuses on the improvement of the physical fitness of students, it's required to channel more extensive and systematic efforts into nurturing elite players.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 엘리트스포츠의 실태 분석
  1. 학교 엘리트스포츠의 현황
  2. 엘리트스포츠 선수의 문제점
 Ⅲ. 외국의 학생선수 관리
  1. 미국
  2. 유럽
  3. 구소련
  4. 구동독
  5. 일본
 Ⅳ. 새 정부의 엘리트스포츠선수양성과 정책비전
  1. 한나라당
  2. 민주노동당
  3. 통합신당
  4. 창조한국당
  5. 민주당
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 김대광 Kim, Dae-Kwang. 국제디지털대학교
  • 유희형 Yoo, Hee-Hyung. 한양대학교
  • 송길섭 Song, Gil-Seop. 전북대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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