

Interclausal Relations Hierarchy between Semantic and Syntactic Relations in Korean V+e+V Constructions


Jeonghan Han

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is presenting an overall picture of Interclausal Relations Hierarchy(IRH; Silverstein(1976), Givon(1980), Foley and Van Valin(1984)) between semantic and syntactic relations in regarding to Korean V+e+V constructions. To say, there appears to be some sorts of strong correlations between syntactic and semantic structure of V+e+Vs, which, in turn, help us capable predict what kind of syntactic structure will co-occur with what kind of semantic structure. For giving an overall picture of this correlation, in Figure 2, I present with IRH between semantic and syntactic structures in V+e+V constructions. Here the five morphosyntactic structures are ranked in accordance with the tightness of the syntactic link or bond among them, and the corresponding five semantic structures in accordance with the degree of semantic cohesion among them. In more detail, the lexeme in the morphosyntactic relation corresponds to the fusion of core schema into a lexeme in the semantic relation. Likewise, the auxiliary verb construction(AVC) corresponds to the inflectionalized of dependent verbs. And the compound verb construction(CVC) corresponds to Core schema event mapping restriction, which always splits Core Schema (Path+Motion) into separate clauses. Finally, the subordination clause construction(SCC) reflects the temporal sequence of its corresponding real world(Event linearization order restriction), together with 'Objective analyses of temporal event overlaps in-the-world', and 'Subjective degree of naturalness of temporal relations'.


 1. Introduction
 2. Previous Studies
 3. Interclausal Relations Hierarchy between Semantic and Syntactic Relations
 4. Conclusion


  • Jeonghan Han Dankook University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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