I propose that the Korean morphological accusative case marker.(l)ul serves to function as an aspectual operator, telicizer, with a universal quantifying force that takes atelics turns them into telics. I will eventually provide the universal quantifying force of the Korean accusative case marker -(l)ul for the restricted distribution of Korean verbal noun objects. This proposal suggests that the so-called accusativus effectivus in Korean can arise from the presence of the morphological accusative case marker -(l)ul appearing on the aspectually associated adverbial constituents, in contrast to the fact that the accusativus effectivus in English arises from the presence of the indefinite article a(n).
1. Introduction
2. Two Types of the Accusativus Effectivus
2.1 The Semantic Effect of the Object Complement in English
2.2 The Semantic Effect of the Accusative Case in Finnish
3. The Korean Morphological Accusative Case Marker -(l)ul
4. The Nature of the Accusativus Effectivus in Korean
4.1. A Precondition
4.2 A Consequence
5. Conclusion