

스노보드와 스키 참가자들의 상해 비교분석


Comparison and Analyzation of the Similarities and Differences of the Injuries from Snowboarding and Skiing Participants

신대철, 안을섭

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Sports injuries are very interrelated with the techniques, equipments and environments. In order to prevent the injury from snowboarding and skiing, it is advised that the understanding of the equipment, the acquisition of techniques and the understanding about slopes as an environmental condition be fully obtained. In the case with snowboarding and skiing, the increase of population who enjoys these sports without proper understanding and knowledge of these specifics have caused higher frequency of injuries compared to other sporting events.
Nonetheless the research on injuries from snowboarding and skiing is barely conducted domestically. This treatise is to focus on this observation. We would like to begin our research by comparing and analyzing the similarities and differences of the injuries from snowboarding and skiing in order to provide the preventing instructions of the injuries and to present the basic information for the safe sporting activities.
For this research, 2 ski resorts from Gangwon-do and Gyunggi-do were selected, and we conducted the analysis of injury history from Dec 2003 through Mar 2005. After excluding some of the data considered as less reliable, we gathered total 3443 data to be analyzed. The program we utilized here is the statistical program, SPSS v11.0, and the Frequency Analysis was implemented.
This research is conducted in order to classify the injury type and injury area in body part and to find out the causes. During this research, we were able to obtain the basic information that can prevent sporting activity injuries in advance and help rehabilitation after the injury. If one takes into consideration the fact that the research limited from the beginning the object only for a certain area and only for a specific injury type, he would realize that he is not able to generalize this result into the national level. Based on this result, however, while enjoying the winter sports, one can improve the safety and take extra care on the part of body which can be easily damaged. Therefore, the aim of this research is to provide the accurate instruction on how to prevent sports injuries and relieve the skiers and snowboarders from fear simultaneously.


I. 서론
 II. 연구방법
  1. 연구대상
  2. 조사도구
  3. 조사절차 및 자료처리
 III. 결과 및 논의
  1. 스노보드ㆍ스키 참가자들의 사회인구학적 특성에 따른 상해 유형 비교
  2. 스노보드ㆍ스키 참가자들의 운동숙련도에 따른 상해 유형 비교
  3. 스노보드ㆍ스키 참가자들의 상해 시간대에 따른 상해 유형
 IV. 결론


  • 신대철 Shin, Dae-Chul. 대림대학
  • 안을섭 An, Eul-Seob. 대림대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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