

아동소설 속의 죽음과 성장의 고통 :『영원한 턱가족』과『테라비시아 다리』의 경우


The Recognition of Death and Pain of Growth in Tuck Everlasting & Bridge to Terabithia


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Both Tuck Everlasting and Bridge to Terabithia are distinguished by their masterful treatment of the issue of death. Babbitt’s novel is intertwined with such mixed genres as folklore, fantasy, and realism, which, when taken together, contribute to an unique atmosphere. Together with the extension of self, this somewhat philosophical novel successfully delves into the meaning of immortality, as is shown by the families of Tuck and Winnie. In addition, the novel emphasizes a blurred demarcation between absolute good and bad, and thus reveals the complexity of human life. Paterson’s work is concerned with realism unlike that of Babbitt. The author focuses on the harsh reality and the impact of his friend’s death on the young protagonist, Jesse, rather than the meaning of death and life that Babbit explores. The no-nonsense tough world and the weight of suffering that the young boy felt to the bone are presented vividly and remarkably. Furthermore, this work represents the boy’s delicate feelings and internal transformation reliably, which greatly enhances the novel’s artistic merit. Both novel tend to acknowledge the impossibility of childhood's innocence and deny an existence of an ideal, safe place for children. However, they concur in comforting the reader despite their treatment of human’s ultimate suffering-death, by providing an optimistic vision in their conclusion.


I. 들어가면서
 II.『영원한 턱가족』 : 불멸의 삶에 대한 고찰 그리고 죽음의 선택
 III.『테라비시아 다리』 : 죽음에 대한 애도와 화해
 IV. 결론을 대신하여


  • 심경석 Kyung-Seok Shim


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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