

The Foreign Loan Word as a Dramatic Device in Hemingway and Maugham


Jerry Czarnecki

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



One of the difficulties and opportunities of literary translation is to take into account the ways in which loan words and foreign languages function within the plot and the argument of a literary work. The use of foreign words can serve to involve the reader in the narrative, assists in characterizing the protagonists, and intensifies the dramatic aspects of the plotline. This presents practical problems in translation, as the foreign words within a text have to be translated or explicated, while the original inter-linguistic contrast within the text is maintained. This paper looks at the use of loan words and foreign languages in two important works of modern literature, to identify difficulties in translating them, and to become more aware of how
problems of translation can be relevant not only within the domain of the translator, but also for the student of literary texts.


 I. Introduction
 II. Foreign Words as Elements of Literary Plot
  2.1 Loan words as a narrative device
  2.2 Foreign language as dramatic commentary
 III. Conclusion


  • Jerry Czarnecki Hanyang University, ERICA Campus


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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