

관광통역사와 중재적 역할 : 고궁가이드를 중심으로


Tourism Interpreters and Intermediary Roles: Focused on the Palace Guides.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper presents general concepts of the tour guide and some characteristics on tourism interpretation. The tour guide, combining the tour(the business) with the guide(the activity), is a compound term designating a person who leads the tourists in tourism business. As the volume of tourists is increasing, and the impact of tourism on society is becoming greater, the role of the tour guide gets highlighted of which the service quality is measured by the linguistic performance.
Therefore it is time to reevaluate the role of the tour guide from the linguistic paradigm. From the interpretation perspective, the direct communication with the foreign tourists differentiates the tourism interpretation from other types of interpretation, but assuming the extended model of the triadic communication with the destination a party, tourism interpretation is a part of interpretation. Then tourism interpreter is a person performing the guiding activity with a high level of the linguistic competence and performance. This paper takes the Cohen's model of the guide roles as its base and studies the mediating role of guides especially at the Kyungbokgung palace. With
consideration of guide's communicative role at the heritage interpretation, the tour guide becomes the tourism interpreter, a new professional with communicative competence as well as tourism knowledge.


 I. 서론
 II. 문헌연구
  1. 관광통역
  2. 관광통역과 가이드
 III. 가이드의 중재적 역할과 관광통역
  1. 가이드 투어와 관광통역
  2. 가이드 내레이션 분석
 IV. 관광통역과 해설
  1. 관광통역과 해설(Interpretation)
  2. 가이드 내레이션과 관광통역
  3. 관광통역사
 V. 관광통역의 특징
  1. 관광통역과 전문지식
  2. 관광통역과 사회성
  3. 관광통역과 대표성
  4. 관광통역과 의사소통능력
 VI. 결론
 Appendix: Evaluation of the Guide's Performance


  • 이승재 Lee Seung Jae.. 경희대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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