

<내 이름은 김삼순> 소설 호칭에 대한 한-일 이국화 번역전략 분석


Foreignization strategies analysis about the appellation of translation into Japanese of the novel version of <My Name is Kim SamSoon>.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With being the start of the Korean wave boom in Japan, the status of, and the intimacy with, Korean culture have soared. Such changes have brought about explosive increase in demand for translation of Korean dramas and novels, and actually there have been many such translations. There search in this paper starts on the assumption that such quantitative increases in demand for translations will also cause changes in one form or an other in translations trategies or translation norms. The characteristics of translation in to Japanese of the novel version of on which this paper focuses on are that the ‘appellation’ was all translated in ‘foreignization strategies.’ In the case of ‘immediate family
appellation’, there is hardly any cultural difference between Korea and Japan but the ‘immediate family appellation converted into intimacy appellation’ (e.g. Eonni, Nuna, Opba, Hyeong) shows the usage that is peculiar to Korea. In other words, one uses the appellation such as ‘Eonni’, ‘Opba’, for the persons with whom he or she is in the intimate senior-junior relationships with in certain social groups even if they are not one’s own brothers and sisters. In the translation in to Japanese of , such appellations are
translated in foreignizations trategies(corresponding Japanese+tuning fork pleonasm). The purpose of this paper is to analyze and describe the relations between the translations in these foreignizations trategies and the changes in the status of Korean culture through the Korean
wave, and the correlations between the foreignization translation and the equivalence of coherence with the implicature that Baker mentioned.


 I. 서론
  1. 연구배경 및 연구문제
  2. 연구의 범위 및 분석 방식
 II. 이론적인 배경
  1. 자국화 대 이국화와 번역윤리
  2. 호칭
  3. 기호론적 차원의 담화모델(tenor)과 호칭 번역전략
  4. 한류를 통한 한국의 문화적 지위향상
 III. 호칭번역 비교 분석
  1. 자국화번역
  2. 이국화 번역
 IV. 결론


  • 박미정 Park, Mi-jung.. 한국외국어대학교 통번역대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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