

언어와 번역을 통해 본 17-18세기 중국 사회


An Analysis of Chinese Society in 17-18th Century: Focusing on Language and Translation


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



I think the 17th century was a turning point in Chinese intellectual and ideological view. This paper is intended to show changes of Chinese society in the 17-18th century, focusing on language and translation, the conception of which are related to cultural exchange and communication among different nations and races. The foreign exchange between China and Russia, Europe begun in earnest in the 17th century. Also the Qing dynasty was comprised of several races such as the Chinese race, the Manchu race, Mongolian etc. Therefore, especially in the early period of empire, it was urgently needed to solute the problem of communication among different races. Roughly speaking, the Ming dynasty was comprised of the Chinese race, and Ming society was based on a unique language, and Confucian ideology and value. If we remind of this conditions of Ming society, we can find that Qing society definitely rested on intellectual and ideological backgrounds which were a little different from any former ages. In this paper first of all I researched the changes of educational and official systems in the 17-18th century China. And I tried to show the phenomenon to strengthen the gravity and importance of language education such as Latin and Russian etc., and the appearance of new officials to have a good command of a few language, who were named ‘bitieshi(筆帖式)’ and ‘qixinlang(啓心郞)’. Second, here I maintained that active exchange and communication among various races and nations to have different cultural and historical backgrounds partly relativized authority and value of Sinocentrism and Confucian ideology. Third, traditional Chinese society was established on elaborate and solid institutional systems. In other words, nation power was so strong to control academic activities and intellectual completely. Accepting new foreign culture and knowledge in the 17-18th century also was under the strict control of government, while most of literati had not enough willingness and positiveness to accept new western learning. Consequently, western learning to be accept in that time could not have a strong and full influence on the academic field, literati’s consciousness, and social value.


1. 들어가는 말
 2. 교육과 제도에 있어서 언어에 대한 중시
 3. 민족 간의 정체성 문제와 절대적 가치의 상대화
 4. 소통과 교류의 방식
 5. 나오는 말


  • 최형섭 서울대 중문과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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