

후유장해를 둘러싼 민사책임의 쟁점들 - 대법원 2008.3.27. 선고 2007다76290 판결을 중심으로-


Patient's Permanent Lesion and Physician's Medical Malpractice


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper, the Judgment 2007DA76290 of the Korean Supreme Court was analysed in two points of the legal theory and litigation. The judgment arouses some issues of medical malpractice liability. They includes the concept of the complications and permanent lesion and the difference between them, some problems in a judge's applying the requirements for the physician's tort liability to the medical malpractice situations, the theory of obligation de moyens related with the burden of proof of the negligent conduct for a physician's liability for misperformance of contract, the influence of a patient's physical conditions on the physician's liability, the breach of duty to disclose in selecting the safer one of the treatment methods bringing about the complications or leaving the permanent lesion and so on. In the situations of the case referred to above, the plaintiff should have tried to establish that a reasonable physician in the specific situation of the case would have substituted the safer method of treatment for the method in the case. If the plaintiff had succeeded in establishing it, he or she could have recovered even the physical harm resulting from the permanent lesion brought about by the complications of the specific treatment in the case. The plaintiff failed to do so and recovered only the emotional distress which the patient suffered owing to the physician's breach of the duty to disclose. Therefore the legal malpractice of the counsel might be found in this case.


I. 서설
 II. 사건ㆍ재판의 경과 및 간략한 검토
  1. 사건 및 재판의 경과
  2. 제1심판결(대전지방법원 2005.11.29. 선고 2004가단47793 판결)
  3. 원심판결(대전고등법원 2007.10.10. 선고 2006나768 판결)
  4. 대법원판결(대법원 2008.3.27. 선고 2007다76290 판결)
  5. 환송 후 원심판결(대전고등법원 2008.9.18. 선고 2008나3488 판결)
  6. 환송 후 대법원판결(대법원 2008.12.24. 선고 2008다75041 판결)
 III. 쟁점별 검토
  1. 후유장해와 합병증
  2. 후유장해의 발생과 진료과오책임
  3. 후유장해의 발생에 기여한 기왕증의 고려
  4. 후유장해와 설명해태책임
  5. 설명의무이행의 증명
 IV. 결어


  • 김천수 Cheon Soo Kim. 성균관대 법학전문대학원 교수, 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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