

유비쿼터스 보건의료서비스 활성화지원 법률안의 제안


Suggestion of Law for supporting u-Healthcare's Activation.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Because Korea has the excellent informational technology, it was expected to be able to improve the accessibility to healthcare and compete with other nations in excellence through u-Healthcare. But we can't complete the excellent u-Healthcare because of the law to be able to use only the tele-counselling between doctor to doctor or doctor to nurse. First of all, we must complete the law to be able to use the improved u-Health containing of telemedicine between doctor to patient. Though other factors, the procurement of safe IT, the credibility to healthcare service provider containing of nutritionist and occupational therapist etc. are prepared for erecting u-Healthcare, we can get the final and decisive u-Health policy only by means of Law for supporting u-Healthcare's Activation. The important sections of Law for supporting u-Healthcare's Activation are as follows. Sec. 4 The Minister for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs and the dean of associated administrative division have to erect the combined plan for u-Healthcare's Activation. Sec. 11 Government and local autonomous entity can support the facility and equipment to be necessitated for using u-Healthcare to improve the medical accessibility of person in the region with poor medicine. Sec. 13 Doctor can support other doctor's medical action through IT and if there are not medical risk, doctor can give medical act directly to the special patients. Sec. 21 If pharmaceuticals is necessitated in u-Healthcare, remote doctor has to send the patient the electronic prescription and the pharmaceutist to receive the electronic prescription has to delivery the pharmaceuticals in accordance with patient's demand.


I. 서론
 II. 유비쿼터스 보건의료서비스(u-Helathcare)의 정의
 III. 법ㆍ제도적 측면에서의 국내 u-healthcare 산업 활성화의 장애요인 분석
  1. 원격의료 관련 규정
  2. 여타 법ㆍ제도 개선 요구사항
 IV. 외국의 u-health 관련 법제도 현황
  1. 미국
  2. 일본
  3. 법제도 현황의 시사점
 V. 입법안의 제안
  1. 유비쿼터스헬스케어의 활성화에 관한 법률(안) 제안이유
  2. 법안의 주요내용
  3. 구체적인 법률안의 개괄
 VI. 결론


  • 조형원 Cho Hyong Won. 상지대학교 의료경영학과 교수, 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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