

인터넷 의료광고의 규제방향에 대한 법적 검토


Legal Review of Regulatory Guidelines for Medical Advertisements Online


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The contemporary age is a period of PR for the self. Regardless of how good the quality of goods or services offered is, if it is not made known to the buyers, a sell is impossible. As a result, the contemporary man is flooded with advertisements and is living in a time of over-saturated information. This is not much different in the medical services sector, as it too is experiencing an overflow of information due to the expansion of advertisement approaches to include not only the previous positive-method, but also the negative-method. In tandem, recent advancements in electronics and information technology has made possible a rapid increase in then number of internet advertisements. However, outmoded medical law, which was created to regulate newspapers and billboards, is still being applied to regulate today's modern medical advertisements. At the same time, collateral ordinances such as "corrective statutes for signs and advertisements" are not sufficient in providing the necessary regulatory countermeasures. In the midst of all this, as IPTV is scheduled to be broadcast nationwide starting next year, and with the market for search advertisements and internet advertisements annually growing at a rapid pace, it has become evermore urgent to come up with an adequate regulatory measure. Consequently, it is necessary to look into the possibility of restricting the medium and content of internet medical advertisements as well as realistic schemes for its realization. In particular, regulatory measures that take into consideration the special characteristics of internet advertisements should be found, and the necessity of an prior deliberation procedure and the likelihood of introducing a certification system should be examined.


I. 서론
 II.. 인터넷 의료광고의 의의
  1. 의료광고의 의의
  2. 인터넷 의료광고의 정의(定義)
 III. 인터넷 의료광고에 대한 규제
  1. 의료광고의 순기능과 역기능 및 규제의 정당성
  2. 의료광고 규제의 방식
  3. 의료광고에 대한 법적 규제
  4. 의료광고에 대한 각국의 태도
  5. 인터넷 의료광고에 대한 각국의 태도
 IV. 인터넷 의료광고의 유형
  1. 인터넷 광고의 일반적 분류
  2. 인터넷 의료광고의 유형
 V. 현행 법령에 대한 법률적 검토
  1. 의료광고에 관련된 일반 법령의 검토
  2. 현행 의료법의 검토
  3. 인터넷 의료광고와 관련된 법령의 검토
 VI. 마치며


  • 이경권 Lee, Kyeoung-Kwon. 분당서울대학교병원 의료법무전담 교수, 법무법인 조율변호사, 법학학사(성균관대학교 법과대학), 의학사(가톨릭대학교 의과대학)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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