

연명치료 중단의 현황과 대책-안락사, 보라매병원 사건을 중심으로


Current practices of the ceasing medical treatment for euthanasia and its solutions


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The right to live is the most valuable benefit and protection of the law. And Medical science is the study considering value of life as the top priority. As modern medical science has progressed and expanding lifespan skills have developed, the number of symptom, called a human vegetable, has been also increased. As a result, people concerns whether euthanasia should be permitted. ① Active euthanasia is prohibited and a doctor who conduct it is punished. ② Indirect euthanasia can be permitted unless it is against a patient's intention. ③ Permission of passive euthanasia depends on intention of a patient. In other words, when a patient accepts, a doctor respects the right of self determination of patient and irreversible situation such as brain death happens, treatment stop is permitted. Even a patient who is in the last stage of cancer has a right to die in the dignity and elegance. Solutions for ceasing medical treatment are as follows; First, establishment of 'Bioethics Committee'. Second, setting procedures to empower a court a right to decide whether medical treatment is ceased. Third, setting procedure a government to assist treatment fees. In this paper, direction for social agreement of legal policy regarding the ceasing treatment is provided.


I. 서론
 II. 「보라매병원사건」판결의 의미와 과제
  1. 문제제기
  2. 서울고법 양형의 이유
  3. 판결의 의미
 III. 죽음과 뇌사의 의학적인 측면
  1. 삶과 죽음
  2. 죽음의 의학적 정의
 IV. 안락사
  1. 안락사의 개념
  2. 안락사의 유형별 형태
  3. 안락사의 외국 현황
  4. 안락사 논쟁
  5. 안락사의 허용 요건
  6. 안락사에 대한 소결
 V. 연명치료중단의 과제와 대책


  • 정효성 Jung, Hyo-Sung. 대한병원협회 법제이사, 동해병원장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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