

분만 전 태아에 대한 낙태죄 이외의 형법상 보호가능성 - 대법원 2007. 6. 29. 2005도3832 에 대한 평석 -


The Possibility with other ways to protect an unborn child in terms of illegal abortion in crown law


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Current crown law punishes crime related to unborn child with abortion crime. So we might think that any infringement on unborn child is pretty well protected. But, in terms of illegal abortion, a charge of injuring person and homicide, there are lots blind spots in punishing criminals. Especially, there are numerous unclear cases in illegal abortion. If a doctor killed an unborn child by accident in medical operations, we can't punish him because it was an accident. There still exist controversial cases such as, if an unborn child was somehow damaged and was dead after birth, or was born with disabilities, how are we supposed to punish that? Recently, in a case where a doctor left alone a mother who had a baby and the baby died, our Supreme Court of Korea (Supreme Court of Korea 2007.6.29 2005do 3832) had given a verdict of "not guilty". It looked like they were very fair with current crime law. But, we want this case to be investigated if there weren't any logical contradictions as well as concurrent translation within Constitution Law.


I. 서론
 II. 대법원 2007. 6. 29. 선고 2005도3832 판결의 요지
  1. 업무상과실치사의 점에 대하여
  2. 업무상과실치상의 점에 대하여
 III. 사건의 전개과정
  1. 사실관계
  2. 검사의 공소제기 및 각급 법원의 판결
 IV. 현행 법률규정
  1. 헌법
  2. 형법
 V. 쟁점
 VI. 태아의 헌법상 지위와 본 논의의 시사점
  1. 생명권의 주체성
  2. 인신을 훼손당하지 않을 권리의 주체성
  3. 결론 - 본 논의의 시사점
 VII. 태아의 형법상 지위에 관한 개별적 고찰
  1. 태아에 대한 고의(낙태, 상해 또는 살해) 범행으로 태아가 사망한 경우
  2. 태아에 대한 고의(살해) 범행을 하였으나, 일단 출생한 후 결국 사망한 경우
  3. 태아에 대한 고의(상해) 또는 과실범행을 하였으나 결국 장애를 입고 태어난 경우
  4. 태아에 대한 과실 범행으로 태아가 결국 모체내에서 사망한 경우
 VIII. 입법론
  1. 외국의 입법논의 및 입법례
  2. 입법론


  • 박경춘 Park, kyung-choon. 서울북부지방검찰청 부장검사


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