

제조물책임법상 제조물로서의 의약품의 개념


Study on the Concept of Medical Supplies in the Product Liability Law


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Medical supplies have contradiction of efficacy and side effect to the various diseases together. Therefore, people have tried to reduce the side effects and also provide various methods to cope with any damages from the medicine quickly.
In the case of accidents by medical supplies, the victim can be protected with advantage by the Product Liability Law rather than the Torts. The limit of Product Liability Law’s application depends on whether medical supplies belong to the product or not.
According to Product Liability Law, the product should be processed. Therefore, medical supplied should be processed to be the category of product. It can be said that the medical supplies in pharmacy, Chinese medicine, medical herbs, biological medicine manufactures, blood manufactured medicine, cord blood, hemopoietic progenitior cell and stem cell belongs to the manufactured products.
The mixture by the prescription of doctor or preparation of pharmacist can be recognized as the product because prescription or preparation is a manufacturing act. Therefore, applying Product Liability Law to manufacturer, doctor or pharmacist would achieve the goal which is protecting
the victims extensively.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 제조물의 개념과 관련된 외국의 입법례
  1. 입법형태 및 법적 규율
  2. 미국 제조물책임 리스테이트먼트
  3. 유럽공동체 (EC, 현재의 유럽연합 EU)
  4. 독일
  5. 영국
  6. 프랑스
  7. 일본
 Ⅲ. 제조물책임법 제2조 제1항에서 요구되는 제조물의 요건
  1. 제조물의 개념
  2. 의약품의 가공 행위
 Ⅳ. 구체적인 의약품의 범위
  1. 일반적인 의약품
  2. 한약과 한약제제
  3. 약국제제
  4. 생물학적 제제
  5. 혈액과 혈액제제
  6. 제대혈, 조혈모세포와 줄기세포
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 전병남 Byeongnam Jeon. 변호사, 법학박사, 배재대 법과대학 법학과 겸임교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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