In July 1989, Korea had achieved the national medical insurance system comprehensively covering the whole population since its inception of 12 years before, and subsequently the plural medical insurers had integrated to the unique health insurer system in July 2000. But there yet remain some problems to be improved under low contributions rates and poor benefit packages, especially the shortage of assuring beneficiaries' rights.
The Health Insurance Appeal System is composed of a two-tiered system of committee. The Formal Objection Committees built in the National Health Insurance Corporation and in the Health Insurance Review Agency respectively examine the formal objections to the decisions of the
Corporation, or the Review Agency. And the Dispute Mediation Committee built under the command of the Minister of Health and Welfare reviews the protests against the decisions on the formal objections by each Formal Objection Committee.
To cope with the appellant in relation to the administration on the qualification of the insureds, contributions, and insurance benefits etc, is found to be unsatisfactory. There’s the reason of poor function on right-relief caused by the loose composition of the Appeal Committee, the
deficit of people’s recognition and P.R., the lack of professional manpower and the Committee’s independency, and time lag in making decisions and so on.
Consequently the Appeal System should be improved to secure the rights-relief function, to empower the professionalism of the Appeal Committee, to strengthen P.R. for the beneficiaries, to build up the staff's proficiency through training, and to develop the quality of administrative
1. 서언
2. 논의의 전개
Ⅱ. 건강보험법관계와 행정구제사항
1. 건강보험법 관계와 성격
2. 행정구제로서 이의신청 및 심사청구사항
Ⅲ. 건강보험 이의신청제도 및 심사청구제도
1. 이의신청제도 및 심사청구제도의 의의
2. 이의신청 및 심사청구제도의 변화
3. 건강보험심사평가원의 이의신청 운영 현황
4. 국민건강보험공단의 이의신청 운영 현황
5. 보건복지부의 건강보험분쟁조정위원회 운영 현황
Ⅳ. 이의신청 및 심사청구제도 문제점
Ⅴ. 이의신청 및 심사청구제도 개선 방향
Ⅵ. 맺는말