Treatment of Mental Rehabilitation using K-pop Dance Therapy in Juvenile Delinquency
The goal of this study is to explore the potential possibility of Korean pop-dance program on helping mental health among juvenile delinquents. Having views on this idea, the study was constituted for Korean girl delinquents in juvenile training school focusing on treatment of adolescent misconducts based on their depression mainly, aggression and social anxiety. The subject for the study was divided into two groups; Experimental group(Ex, n=7) and control group(Con, n=11) on the range of 14-18 year-old female delinquents in J juvenile school. Subjects completed 2-hour, once a week of K-pop dance program for 8 weeks. Depression, aggression and social anxiety were measured pre-session, and post-session by questionnaires which were Beck Depression Inventory(BDI), Aggression Questionnaire-Korean version(AQ-K) and Korean-Social Avoidance & Distress Scale(K-SAD). Also, for more verifying the effects of this research, participants were asked via self-report and interviewed. Collected data were analyzed by the reliability analysis, paired t-test and two-way ANOVA with repeated measures. The results are as follows. First, the K-pop dance program has an effect on depression in Ex group significantly. Second, the three of five categories - refusal, guilty feeling and dissatisfaction are significantly declined in Ex group after 8 weeks K-pop dance program. Also, there are significant difference in refusal. guilty feeling and dissatisfaction after 8weeks. In case of refusal and dissatisfaction, it is significantly declined in the Ex group after 8 weeks. Finally, there's no significant difference in relation to aggression and social anxiety. However, post score is apparently reduced than pre score in Ex group.
1. 연구의 필요성
연구 방법
1. 연구대상
2. 측정도구 및 방법
3. 자료처리
1. 우울요인 변화
2. 공격성 요인 변화
3. 사회적 불안 요인 변화
1. 우울
2. 공격성
3. 사회적 불안
결론 및 제언
1. 결론
2. 제언
참고 문헌