

전문대학 경영정보관련 학과동향 분석


An Analysis of Management-related Departments at Korean Junior Colleges

노현섭, 주원식, 김정찬

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently junior colleges in Korea have been working to meet changes in industrial and educational surroundings by establishing new departments, integrating and abolishing existing ones, or adjusting departmental quotas. These endeavors need to be based on analysis of industrial policies, both national and international, and of the industrial trend of the region in which the particular college is located. They also need to take into consideration change in educational policies and the direction of the college's specialization. This study aims to provide some foundation materials for these endeavors. As a result, it has considered changes in industrial and educational surroundings and analyzed the whole spectrum of departments existing at Korean junior colleges, with a focus on business-related ones. To summarize, each college offers departments, having taken into consideration its regional, industrial, and educational environments. The result of this study may be utilized by colleges when they establish new departments, integrate and abolish existing ones, and adjust departmental quotas.


I. 서론
 II. 산업 및 교육환경의 변화
 III. 전국 전문대학 학과동향
 IV. 전국 전문대학 경영관련 학과동향
 V. 요약 및 결론


  • 노현섭 Roh, Hyun-sub. 경남정보대학 경영정보계열
  • 주원식 Joo, Won-sik. 경남정보대학 경영정보계열
  • 김정찬 Kim, Jung-chan. 부산대학교 회계학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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