

經營組織構造와 企業文化의 關聯性에 관한 硏究


An Analysis of Influence of Organizational Structure and Corporate Culture

경영조직구조와 기업문화의 관련성에 관한 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Corporate culture is being recognized as essential managerial resources in the future business management and in recently the attempts, though weak, of developing the corporate culture which is corresponded with their own structure and needs are being carried on by some major companies. Then, corporate culture research, drawing attention in nowadays, indicates that it attempts to analyze and search the organization matters in the basical dimension in regard to the assumptions, values and beliefs of organization and provides the solution of organizational negative effects, which have not been settled in the previews research methods of organizational behavior, and that present turbulent management environment demands the whole conversion from the previews hard style to the soft managerial style. For this reason, this study aim at identifying organizational structure and corporate culture in the business group. Futhermore, the influence of organizational structure and organizational culture are examined. The objective of this paper attempts to analyze the ways and results of strong and special culture on the organizational structure and culture. To accomplish this purpose, this study gathers in-depth data form various secondary courses. First, uncertainties in market and technology are the main sources of mimetic isomorphism. Due to the high level of uncertainty is market and technologies. Smallness in size is responsible for the low level of complexity in organizational structure. The rapid changes in market, contents of service, and tastes of customers are responsible for the low level of formalization, which enhances swift decision making and responses.


I. 序論

  1.研究의 目的
  2. 研究方法 및 範圍
 II. 理論的 考察
  1. 組織構造의 概念
  2. 組織構造의 形成 및 體系化
  3. 組織構造의 構成要素
  4. 企業文化의 部門
  5. 企業文化의 機能
  6. 企業文化의 構成要素
 III. 組織構造와 企業文化의 實證分析 
  1. 假說의 設定
  2. 變數의 操作的 定義
  3. 研究模型의 設定
  4. 假說의 檢證 및 結果 
 IV. 結論


  • 허갑수 Heo, Kap-soo. 부산가톨릭대학교 경영학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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