

e-Marketplace의 신뢰요인에 대한 연구 -정보기술수용모형(TAM)을 중심으로-


A Study on the trust factors in B2B e-Marketplace with Technology Acceptance Model

이종만, 강태경

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Lack of trust is major reason for many company to take a cautions stance towards business-to-business electronic commerce. Especially innovative business models such as online business-to-business marketplaces face the lack of not only having to give their members and partners faith own capabilities and reliability, but also to ensure that the respective parties interacting through them have trust in each other. This paper is empirical study on the trust factors affecting the repurchase intentions in a B2B e-Marketplace by survey instrument based on Likert-style 5 point measurement scale. The objective of this paper is evaluation of relationship between repurchase intentions and trust. The focus of this paper is the antecedents and consequences of buyer trust in a B2B e-Marketplace, not trust intermediaries or in third parties that might mediate between the buyer and e-Marketplace. The findings of this study are expected to increase the awareness of B2B e-Commerce adopter and implementers about the importance of trust in e-commerce participation.


I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
  1. B2B e-Marketplace의 이론적 배경
  2. 배경이론
 III. 연구의 모형 및 가설
  1. 연구의 모형
  2. 연구의 가설
  3. 연구의 측정방법
 IV. 결과분석
  1. 인구통계적 분석
  2. 가설의 검정
 V. 결론


  • 이종만 Lee, Jong-man. 진주국제대학교 경영정보학과
  • 강태경 Kang, Tae-kyung. 진주국제대학교 경영정보학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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