

한국기업의 지식경영 구축과 인적자원 개발에 관한 연구


A Study in the construction of the system of knowledge management and human resources management in the Korean firm


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, most enterprises are having a knowlege management boom. A number of books associated with the knowlege management are being published, countless public seminars are held, and many research councils have been organized studying it formally or informally as if not importing the system is like falling behind a fashion. However, there are not many cases that achieved success by constructing the system of knowledge management. Then, why the knowledge management is not so much effective despite so many voices wanting the change of management system and a lot of public lectures about it? I guess the reason is that most companies do not have concrete methodology. Seeing a result of a survey which reported that with spread of venture boom and successful examples being known widely, the outflow of precious human resources is accelerated and a large number of employees of conglomerates have already resigned or are considering separation from their positions, we can realize that are occurring a change which can be nearly called severance in an occupational view and an organization culture. The preference to a large enterprise or a public institution of labor is low today and the notion about a lifelong job is regarded as past remains. As for this, it could be said that the social atmosphere that pursued the stability of a job has been changed to the practical one that attaches importance to ability and pay. The way of thinking of employees has been changed while established organizations cannot satisfy their desire and this explains why important members of a company are flown out. The reason why superior human resources move to venture businesses is that they can do their likable work and also prove their ability as well as unconventional rewards. Although existing companies are trying to preserve important human resources through performance compensating stock option, temporary patching up of personnel management cannot retard the rushing wind of foundation and the outflow of labor. On the contrary, clumsy import of performance-based reward system not only fails to hire superior labor power but also can bring about a sense of incompatibility and conflicts among the remaining employees. Therefore, this thesis, focusing on how to choose, develop, and maintain the human resources, will suggest a future-aiming human resources management model of Korean enterprises after comparing and analyzing the actual condition of domestic companies and the trends of advanced corportaions.


I. 서론
 II. 지식경영과 전략적 인적자원개발의 체계(framework)
  1. 지식경영의 핵심 : 전략적 자원으로서의 지식
  2. 지식경영과 인적자원개발의 필요성
  3. 지식경영과 전략적 인적자원개발의 체계
 III. 현상분석
  1. 한국기업의 HRM 위치
  2. 선진기업의 인적자원 전략
  3. 미래형 한국기업의 인적자원관리
 IV. 결론


  • 허갑수 Heo, Kap-soo. 부산가톨릭대학교 경영대학 경영학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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