

사회복지과 학생의 현장실습을 통한 지역사회복지의 주체적 참여방안 연구


A study on the subjective participation plan in community welfare by the medium of the field practicum for social work student in undergraduate courses


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In social welfare arena field practicum has been an essential instrument and method for social work students to get socialized to the social work professional. However, to whom involve in the actual field practicum-universities(or colleges), institutes - have some difficulties. On the base of community welfare is a clinical approach in this times. To strengthen community welfare policy, the beginning of community welfare committee is such a good opportunity to tackle the problems of the field practicum. This study suggest that the problem of the field training are 1) a guidance of an individual social work institute, 2) the lack of social work institute, 3) the absence of the trainee's sense of values, 4) the bad conditions of the field practicum for social work students in undergraduate courses at the university(or college), and 5) the lack of professionalism for supervisors. This study makes the following social work suggestions to vitalize field practicum in community welfare. It is more likely important to 1) make the law of the field practicum for undergraduate social work courses, 2) make the coordinated programs of the field practicum for undergraduate social work course in community welfare, 3) enlarge the opportunity that a field specialist take further education, 4) support and carry of supervisor reeducation, 5) make the program development of trainee's personal experiences in social work values, and 6) social work professors make a practice in the social work field.


I. 서론
 II. 사회복지 현장실습 현황
  1. 개별 사회복지 기관 책임위주의 교육
  2. 사회복지 실습기관의 절대부족 현상
  3. 사회복지 실습생의 가치관 부재
  4. 학교의 사회복지 실습교육의 열악한 여건
  5. 슈퍼바이져(supervisor)의 전문성 부재
 III. 지역복지와 사회복지 현장실습
  1. 지역사회복지의 발전을 가져온 사회복지 환경의 변화
  2. 지역사회복지 실천의 목표와 방법
  3. 사회복지실천의 방향
 IV. 지역사회복지 차원에서의 사회복지 현장실습의 활성화 방안
  1. 사회복지 실습규정의 법제화
  2. 지역사회 중심 사회복지 실습 통합 프로그램의 개발
  3. 현장 전문가의 학교 교육 참여기회 확대
  4. 슈퍼바이져 재교육 지원 및 실시
  5. 사회복지 가치에 대한 체험 교육 개발
  6. 사회복지 관련학과 교수들의 현장참여
 V. 결론


  • 이재호 Lee, Jae-ho. 청암대학 사회복지계열


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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