

유비쿼터스 환경에서의 모바일을 이용한 u-유한 시스템 설계 연구


A Study for u-Yuhan System Design using Mobile in Ubiquitous Environment

안병태, 이종하, 정범석

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the ubiquitous which is rapidly developing with ultra speed thes days, constructing the u-Campus which is using the sensor-network as its base is keep developing. Also, any information related equipments like PC and mobile, computing is possible whenever and wherever you want and due to the development of the wireless network, the service environment is continually developing. In this article, I'd like to suggest the u-Campus which is very suitable to the user's environment which had used application of mobile. In u-Campus, various techniques are adopted and applied along with development of info-communication related technidques. Especially, the new type of campus which is constructed by adopting the ubiquitous computing net-work technique to the campus of university is the u-Campus. In this article, by suggesting u-Yuhan designing methods, more effective and advanced school activities of students to make possible.


I. 서 론
 Ⅱ. 관련 연구
 Ⅲ. u-캠퍼스의 구축 운영 사례 분석
  1. 국내 u-Campus 현황
  2. 국외 u-Campus 현황
 Ⅳ. u-유한 시스템 설계
  1. u-yuhan 구상
  2. 세부 설계(1)
  3. 세부 설계 (2)
 Ⅶ. 결론 및 향후과제


  • 안병태 Ahn, Byeong-tae. 유한대학 경영정보학과
  • 이종하 Lee, Chong-ha. 유한대학 경영정보학과
  • 정범석 Chung, Bhum-suk. 유한대학 경영정보학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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