The purpose of this study is to propose the human resource management strategies of non-standard workers that can contribute to accomplishing both corporate social responsibility and business purpose in efficient and effective ways. For the purpose, this researcher investigated circumstances under which Korean companies are using non-standard workers and systems related to those workers. In Korea, the Non-Standard Workers Protection Act was enacted and revised, and became effective on July 1, 2007. The main provisions of the act are as follows. First, the systems of discriminatory treatment prohibition was legally stipulated, Second, restrictions on overwork for fixed-term and part-time employees and the written statement of working conditions were compelled. Third, only 26 kinds of jobs were permitted for worker dispatch in accordance with positive list system. To achieve their business purpose, companies often use standard workers, but sometimes non-standard workers unavoidably in accordance with their business strategy. This study propose main human resource management strategies of non-standard workers such as determining the scope of jobs, strengthening legal and systematic human resource management, improving human relations, extending the grievance procedure and converting non-standard workers into standard ones.
Ⅱ. 비정규직의 접근과 활용배경
1. 비정규직 용어의 유래 및 분류
2. 비정규직의 활용배경
Ⅲ. 비정규직의 근로제도
1. 차별금지
2. 기간제 및 단시간 근로
3. 파견근로
Ⅳ. 비정규직의 인적자원관리전략
1. 직무영역의 설정
2. 준법적ㆍ체계적 인적자원관리의 강화
3. 인간관계개선과 고충처리제도의 확대
4. 정규직으로의 고용 전환
Ⅴ. 결 론