

情報技術導入에 따른 組織構成員의 抵抗에 관한 硏究


A Study on the Resistance of Individuals in the Organization when Information Technology is introduced

정보기술도입에 따른 조직구성원의 저항에 관한 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Responses from the information users on the information technology are very important considerations when majority of the companies are going to introduce information technology by way of computers. When new information technology is introduced, resistance from the information users are likely to be happen and if suitable management about this is not carried out, resistance from the users of information technology will be continued. It is needed for the companies to minimize user's resistance about the information technology to reduce the introduction cost of information technology and to elevate the degree of use. To reduce the resistance from the users about information technology, factors which affect the resistance of users should be analyzed first and it will be effective to control those factors later on. Therefore it will be meaningful for the successful management of information technology if several factors which affect the resistance of users about information technology are searched out and managed. The purpose of this study is to find various factors which affect the resistance of the individuals in the organization about information technology in the process of introducing information technology. The relationship between the factors and factors which affect indirectly to the information technology are the things which are supposed to be considered to the companies who are going to introduce information technology in the long run. Instead of decreasing the resistance directly, let individuals in the organization decreases the resistance by themselves is a more effective way and may have less side effects, in terms of controlling the members in the organization.


I. 序論 
 II. 情報技術導入에 따른 組織構成員의 抵抗
  1. 組織構成員의 抵抗
  2. 變化에 대한 抵抗 原因
 III. 硏究의 假說設計
 IV. 資料의 分析 및 假說의 檢證
  1. 調査 對象者의 一般的인 特性과 測定設問紙의 信賴度 
  2. 分散分析의 結果
  3. 相關分析의 結果 
  4. 共變量 構造分析 結果
  5. 組織關聯 要因과 抵抗의 全般的인 構造模型 
 V. 結論


  • 이재열 Lee Jae-yeol. 충남전문대학 경영정보과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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