Addiction is not only a social problem but a Christian problem. Faith community can be a healing resource for addiction and social system to care people recovering from addiction. To demonstrate the need of communal approach to addiction, we will examine the spiritual,
relational, characteristic aspects of addiction. Because addiction is a very complex condition, many experts call for an integrated approach. In the same way, ignoring the spiritual dimension leads to partial solutions. The objects of attachments are our idols, substitutes for the God and other human being we have rejected. And people with addiction have a distorted personality. The end result is a destructive pattern of abusing substances, people, or things to which we become adjusted. Ultimately the Christian faith is about transformation through relationship in faith
community. We will emphasis that restoration springs from the healing context of faith community. The climate which nurtures such healing community has two Christian qualities which are Christ centered relation and confession, and three relational qualities which are availability, acceptance, and authenticity. Healing relationships are found in that community where grace and truth meet.
I. 여는 글
II. 펴는 글
1. 중독과 관계
2. 신앙공동체의 치유적 자원
III. 닫는 글