


청소년 약물남용과 기독교 치유상담


Adolescence Drug Addiction and Christian Healing Counseling


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Since 1993, adolescence Drug addiction has been increasing constantly. Especially drinking, smoking and using the anti-hypnotics drug rapidly increase until now.
Recently, adolescent’s drug dependancy rate is 0.3%, 10% of all adolescence are habitual smoker, 63.3% of them have the experience of drinking. This is the serious problem. Especially, drug addiction not only makes the psycho-physiological decease but school work and egodevelopmental problem. More over, danger of suicide occurred too.
Therefore, it needs prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. In addition social concern and total countermeasure about its need too. Therefore this study deal with that healing of their body, mind and spiritual growth. On behalf of awareness of purpose of creation from God and identity of themselves more over, to prepare their renewed life, this study describe the healing counseling with christian world view. In addition, adolescence developmental specially has the weak point about drug addiction. More over, because of that prevention of drug addiction is
more important than treat of it. Prevention and public information required absolutely about it. They need the helping with treatment through the word of God. Furthermore, to accomplish their renewed and born-again they really need the healing counseling for their treatment. In addition, we must study about it more detail theory and treatment method.


 I. 여는 글
 II. 펴는 글
  1. 약물남용의 개념과 진단기준
  2. 청소년 약물남용의 발생과정과 유형
  3. 청소년 약물남용의 특징과 영향
  4. 청소년 약물남용의 실태
  5. 청소년약물남용과 기독교 치유상담
 III. 닫는 글


  • 강경미 Kyung-Mi Kang. 그리스도대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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