

Electro-mechanical Property Evaluation of REBCO Coated Conductor Tape with Stainless Steel Substrate



In this study, the electromechanical property of REBCO coated conductor (CC) tape adopting a stainless steel substrate has been investigated. Sample was subjected to uniaxial tension and measured its mechanical properties at RT and 77 K. Ic-Et relations was also studied in which the strain and stress corresponding to the 95'' Ic retention and reversible strain limit were measured. In addition, these results were compared to the case of conventional REBCO CC tape adopting a Hastelloy substrate. As a result, by adopting a stainless steel substrate comparable strength and good electromechanical property to Hastelloy one could be achieved.




  • M. J. Dedicatoria Department ofMechanical Design Engineering, Andong National University
  • H. S. Shin Department ofMechanical Design Engineering, Andong National University
  • H. S. Ha Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute
  • S. S. Oh Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute
  • S. H. Moon SuNAM


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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